LTH pipes
LTH pipes

Current supporters

We are fortunate to be directly supported by a charitable organisation, The Brodrick Trust.

The Brodrick Trust will support the full restoration and preservation of the Leeds Town Hall organ, an instrument of huge cultural and historical significance. This work will support and enable future generations to continue to access and enjoy high quality events that embrace a wide range of live music, comedy, and film in the city’s most iconic building.

Although the organ is synonymous with Leeds Town Hall and is hugely valued by many people living in the city, it is in need of urgent restoration and will fall into total disrepair without our intervention. The Trust will also support associated cultural and educational projects in Leeds Town Hall that are designed to engage and enrich the lives of people living in Leeds as well as visitors to the city.


Current supporters

We are fortunate to be directly supported by a charitable organisation, The Brodrick Trust.

The Brodrick Trust will support the full restoration and preservation of the Leeds Town Hall organ, an instrument of huge cultural and historical significance. This work will support and enable future generations to continue to access and enjoy high quality events that embrace a wide range of live music, comedy, and film in the city’s most iconic building.

Although the organ is synonymous with Leeds Town Hall and is hugely valued by many people living in the city, it is in need of urgent restoration and will fall into total disrepair without our intervention. The Trust will also support associated cultural and educational projects in Leeds Town Hall that are designed to engage and enrich the lives of people living in Leeds as well as visitors to the city.


Decorative Restoration


Higher Level Donors

The new Tuba stop, the most powerful stop ever installed on the organ, has been adopted by Mr & Mrs D Salter.

The Chimes stop, missing from the organ for well over 50 years, has been adopted.

The new full length 32’ Reed stop, introduced as a new stop for the first time in the organ’s history, has been adopted by Kieran Cooper.

Stop Adopters

Great Trpt 8 – Andrew Furness & Helen Ashcroft

Façade Pipe Adopters

Edith & Dick Lynn (in memoriam), Judith & George Booth, Christopher Booth, Colin Booth

Margaret Phillips

Aleister Walton-Peckett

Dylan Walton-Peckett

Lillie Walton-Peckett

Adopt an Organ Pipe

Thank you to everyone who has adopted an organ pipe. Names are ordered alphabetically by surname where possible.


Peter Adams | Tony Addison | William Airey | Phil Allen | Jacob Allinson (Middle C of the Great 4′ Octave) | John Allison | Kate Ally | Andrew & Vicky | Angela & Alan | Geoffrey Ansell | John Apps | Anthony Armitage | Kingsley Ash | Mike Ashworth | Bradley Askew | Amelia Askham | Helen Askham | Ossian Auckland-Child | Tracey Austin | Ben Aves | Gerard Aylward

Bob Baker LGSM | Robert Baker | Jen Baker | Rev Geoff Bamford | Samuel Banks | Thomas Banister | Simon Barnes | David Barraclough | Sarah Bartlett | Andrew Bateman | Emma Bates | Sara Battye | Jane Beaumont | Ian Bedford | Christine Beels | Malcolm Beer | A Bell | Stephen Bell | Alan Bellhouse | Sally Bendall | Peter J Bennett | Sir Samuel Jacob Bennett | Frances Beresford | Lewis Beresford | Daniel Bergmann | Michael Billingham | Betty Birch | Ava Bishop | Max Bishop | Matt Blount | David Boadle | Paul Bombardier | Ian Bond | Willem Boning | Lynne Booth & John McBride | Samuel Booth | Peter Box | Margaret Bradbury | David H Bradbury | Paul Bradbury | Chris Bragg | Melanie Bratton | James Henry Roberts Bray | Amanda Bretman | Jackie Brewer | Val Brier | Briggs | Elaine Brock | Jo Brook | Tom Brook | Martin Brooks | Arthur Brown (1932-2018) | Christine Brown | David Brown | Dorothy Jean Brown | Gina Brown | Rev. Sharon Brown | Stephen Brown | Angela Brtton | Theresa Brunner | Paul Bryan Robert Easton Brydon | Tim Bullamore & Lisa McCormick | Harry Burton | Natalie Bush | Jean Butters | Dominic Buxton

Molly Cairns | Magnus A Cameron | James & Cheb Campbell | Laura Canning | Diane Carlisle | James Carolan | In memory of Fred Cartlidge | John Catton | Cave | Robyn & Alexander Chadha | Heinri Chapman-Schnetler | Fiona Chen | Sophia Childs | Rev Choi Si-Ah Peter, HK | Chris & Maire | Leon Cieslik | Natalie Cieslik | Claire, Richard & family | Michael Clark | In memory of Dr Adrian Clarkson | Adrian Clarkson | Chris Clarkson | John Clay | Dean Clayton | Christopher Clift | Brenda Clifton | Alderney’s Club | Jumper Club | Robert Cockroft | Janet Cole | Pete Coleman (1946-2022) | Andrew Coley | In memory of Geoff Collins | Peter Thomas Collins | W H (Harry Collins | Peter Condry | Cookson Conrad | Max Conway | M Cook | D J Forster-Cooper | Elspeth Cooper | Emma Cordell | Jacob Cordran | David Corlett | Alvo von Cossel | Heather Costello | Catherine Cotter | Jim Cowell & David Burgess | Alison Cox | Michael Cox | Harry Crompton | Charlotte Cropper | Anthony Crossland | Mary Crothers | David Crothers | Emma Crothers | The late Jim Crothers | Jeff Cummings | Martin Henry Curson

Miss M H Dale | Pauline Daley | Jim Dalton | Fabiano D’Amato | Colin Darwin | Margaret Darwin | Barrie John Davenport | David Davies | Rhys Davies | Stephen Davis | Beryl Dawe | Robert Demaine | Rosalind & Graham Denman | Simon Denson | Robert Harvey Denton | John Dereix | Chris Derry | D. Colin Dews | Catherine J Dickinson | Sarah E Dickinson | Pauline A Dickinson | In memory of Geoffrey Dickinson | Harry John Dike | Geoffrey David Dixon | Julia Dixon | Kathleen Dixon | Matthew Dixon | Noah & Joshua Dixon | Ashley Dodd | Patricia Dodd | Rowena Dobson | Charles Dodd | Christian Dodgson | Lynn Dodgson | Lisa Doherty | Rhona May Donoghue | Stuart Dornford-May | Heather Dowling | Jane Dowson | Lorraine Dowson | Sarah Drewell | Margaret Eileen Drummond | Deborah Dyer | Megan Dyson

Chris Edmondson | Jennifer Edwards | Betty Ellener | Frank Ellis | Beatrice Amanda Ellis | Henry Etherington | John Evans

Jane Fairbank | Gillian M Falkingham | Tom Faller | Malcolm Farmery | Lindsey Farrow | Margaret Faulkner | Michael Fay | Simon Fearn | Marian Felix | Lewis Welsh & Dulcie Fieldhouse | Finn & Lexa | Clifford Firth | Marie Firth & Pete Stringer | Colin William Gordon Fishwick | Michael Fitton | Norman Fitton | Norman Fitton of JJ Binns Fitton & Haley Ltd Bramley, Leeds | Emmie, Margaret, Pat & Michael, family of Norman Fitton the organ pipe voicer, Bramley, Leeds | Aaran Fleet | P J Fletcher | Iain Flockton | Lynn Margaret Foley (née Allerton) | Mike Piet & Jane Fontana | Dorothy Ford | Ruben Forest | Ann Forsaith | Julia Forsaith | Margaret Forshaw | Elizabeth Foster | Ernest Foster | Kate Foster | Thomas Clarence Fox | Terry Frain | Sylvia Francis | Rhiannon Lawrence-Francis | Wendy Frankland | Lindsey Fraser | Alastair Fraser-Urquhart

Jennifer Gallagher | Malcolm Galloway | Peter Galloway | Tom Gammage | Hilary Gardner | Barney Garluca | Kathryn Gasic | Richard Geldard | Derek Geldard | Paul Gelder | Gemma, Edd, Reuben & Amelie | Katie Jane Gibb Hill & Stuart Hill Gibb | Kylie Gibbard | In memory of the Honourable Alderman Sheila Gill | John Gilleghan M.B.E. | Ann Gilliam in memorium | Gilly & Andy | The Gilbank family | Christopher John Gladish | Alexander Glover | Andy Godber | Michael Gomersall | Geoffrey Goss | Ian Gott | Daniel Gotts | Abbie Gowen | The Grammar School at Leeds | Thomas Adam Greig | Christine Grimbley | Alex Groom | Katie Groves | Audrey Elizabeth Gunn | Jo Alderson-Gunn


Jeremy Hadden | Francis Hale | Lesley Hales | Rhiannon Hales-Pybis |  Andrew Hall | David & Sue Hall | John Hall | Kathleen Hall | Rosie Hall | Tom & Heather Hall | Maureen Hallatt | Paul Kenneth Hambley | Noam Hameiri | Hannah, David, Judith & Bibi | Michael John Hanson | Valerie & Michael Hanson | Teresa Hardy-Hairsine | David Hargreaves | Brian Hargreaves | Tom and Annabelle Harper | Vicky Harper | Ry Harris | Xander Harrison | Kate Harrold | John Hart | Ann-Marie Hartland | Robert Harwood | Tracy-Lee Hauber | Carol Haughton | Lynton Haynes | Keith Hearnshaw | Joyce Hemingway | Ian Henderson | Michael and Maddie Hewitson | Jan Hicks | Charlotte Hill | Ann Hill | Daniel Hill | Derek Hill | Jennifer Hill | Thomas Hill | Leonie Hilliard | Stuart Marcel Hinde | Daniel Hinchliffe | Anthony Hirst | John Michael Hirst | Betty Hodkinson | Lucy Hodrien | John Hogg | Harold Holmes (1925-2017) | Angela Holt | Rachel Holt | Benjamin Hood | Christopher Hooley & Stephanie Jones | John Horsfield | Elspeth Horsfield | David Ian Horsman | Stephanie Houlden | Alison House | Deb Howard | Lisa Joanne Hudson | Lisa Hudson | Pauline Hughes & Ricky Todd | Georgina Hulse | Sarah Humphreys | Grandads & Grandmas Johnson & Humphries | Terence Michael Hunt | Denis & Ros Huntley | P J Hurst

Claire Ingram | Harry Ingram | Joshua Ingram | Matthew Ingram | Kathryn Ingold | John Insole | Stephen Irvine

Gordon & Anne Jackson | Michele Jackson | Rachel Jackson | Carolyn James | Jo-Anne & Paul | Pamela Mavis Jeffery | Peter Jeffrey | Paul Jobson | Andrew & Jenny Johnson | Ben Johnson | C R Johnson | Daniel Johnson | Donald & Sylvia Johnson | Holly & Cade Johnson | Julie Johnson |  Pam Johnson | Roy Johnson | Niall Johnston | Scott Johnston | S G Johnson | Mary Johnston | Ceri Jones | Colin Jones | Jessie Jones | Mandy Jones | Rebecca Jones

Ben Kamara | Patricia Kearney | Chris & Sue Kelk | Donald T Kemp | Nathan Kendall | George Kennaway | Jack Kent | Joe Kerrigan | Frederik Keygnaert | Diana Kibble | Susan King | Alan & Jose King | Marianne King | Amy Kitchin | Lynda Kitching | Casper Kirk | Gary Kneeshaw | Jack Scargill-Knight | Mr & Mrs J Knowles | Cin Mond Kong | Wai-Mond Kong

Jack Lamb | Stephanie Lamb | Elaine Lane | Sarah Langford | Christopher John Laslett | Fred Laverack | Mark Lawrence | Matthew Lazenby | Lazenbys of Pool | Stephen P Leathley | Lee & Jill | Esme Lees | Kieron Leithead | J Lenz | John E Lenz | Sarah Liddell | Geoff Lidster | Stuart J. Lines | Jonathan Lilley | Lisa, Brendan & family | Adam Lister | Linda Little | Alan Littlewood | Kate Lloyd | Bridget & Geoffrey Lockyer | Anna Lomax | Mark Longley | Samuel Richard Love | Oreo Love | Betty Luty | Byron Luty | Allan Luxton | Janet Lymath

Anezka M-D | Hugh Vincent Macdermott | Alison Mackay | Steve Rufus Mackenzie | Heather Mackie | Cluny Macpherson | Chinedu Uchenna Madukwe | David Magallon | Coral Main | Marie | Alexandra Marshall | Bess Martin | Richard Martin | Richard Martini | Maisie, Chris and Harriet | Ian Maude | John Maw | Sarah Maybury | John McBride | Jonathan McCormack | Rose Mary McCroskey | Eamonn McGee | Ross McGibbon | Bairbre McKendrick | Andy McKenna | Graham McKenna | Jimmy McLoughin | Rosie McMahon | Roland McNeill Buckley-Johnstone | Rachel Meadley | Hannah Meir | Paul C de Mello | G Meredith | Chloe Elizabeth Merriott | Georg Meyer | Steven Michael | John & Patricia Midgley | Rachel Milestone | Hayley Miller | In loving memory of Patricia Milner | Stephen Mitchell | John Molloy | Carol Molloy | Chris Molloy | Stephen Molloy | Francis Ogilvie Montgomery | Peter Moon | Axton Moorhouse | Harley Moorhouse | Claire Moran | Ron Morley | Barbara Morris | Peter Morris | Leona Moss | Barbara & James Muhl | Tom Mulloy | Neil Musgrove | Catherine Musker | Calum Murdoch | Daniel Kyle William Murphy | Samantha Murray | Scott Murray

Pauline & Graham Needler | Ruth Nettleton | Patricia Neville | David Newell | Ryan Newell | Sarah Newman | Colin Nice | Timothy Nicholls | Beverley Nicholson | Francesca Nicholson | Roger & Kath Nicholson | Brian Nobbs

Richard O’Callaghan | S O’Connell | Rosemary O’Dea | Kevin O’Donnell | Martin O’Donnell | Mary O’Donnell | Peter O’Donnell | Richard O’Donnell | Emma & Shane Obrien | Oliver Obrien | Philip Oddy | Amanda Oswald | Gilbert Priestley-Oswald | Graham Owston


Rat Pakk | James Palmer | Resham Panesar | Margaret Parker | Philip Parker | Eric & Marian Parkes | Jack Parkes | Richard E Patrick | Barbara Paxton | Daniel Payne | Symon Payne | Richard Pearce | Gill Pearson | Simon Peatman | Ethnie Pellitt | Jim Pellitt | Martin Pellitt | Phil Pemberton | John Pegg | Pepperday-Kliffen family | Alan Perkins | Pete the dog | Eric & Joan Pettinger | Lindsey Peyton | Gavin Phelps | Emma & Phoenix | Vishakha Phatak | Peter William Pidgeon | Sarah Pilling | Hannah Pinkham | Peter Pipefellow | Dick Pledge | Andrzej Pleszkun | Marta Pleszkun | E Plewes | Geoffrey Plumstead | Ava Podgorski | Heather Pollock | Steve Poole | Ken Potter | Gerard Power | Benita Powrie | Michael Pratt | Emily Preston | Robert Preston | Margaret Rose Pretty | In memory of Jo Price | Jane Elizabeth Price | Anne Prinn | Margaret Anne Prinn | Kahn Priestley

Amici Wind Quartet | Charles Ernest Queen

Alan Radford | Pam Radford | Blaxon Raj | Finnlay Charley Ralph | Kevin Randle | Joseph Ratcliffe | Paul Ratcliffe | Timothy Ratcliffe | Brian Ratner | David Raywood | Eleanor Elizabeth Read | Ben Reavell | Anna, Simon, Holly and Katy Reeve | Kevin Reid, Susan Reid, Bruce Reid, Rhiannon Reid | Heather Anne Relf | Bridget Relton | Giannis Retsas | J B L Rhodes | Joseph Riach | Sarah Ridgeon | Brian Ridsdale | Sarah Riley | Marina Riley | Granny Riss | Federica Rizzato | Mark & Mikaela Roberts | Sheena Roberts | Professor A J B Robertson | Thomas Robins | John Bentley Robinson | Bryan Robson | Terry Robson | Michael Roddy | Fran Rodgers | Susan Rollinson | Daru Rooke and Stu Falkener | Patricia Rose | Shaun Rosindale | Craig Roth | Christine Rowlands | Peter Rushton | Richard Rutter

Oliver Sacker | Tim Sanders | Becca Sapiro | Jennie Sapiro | James Saunders | Pat Saunders | Helen Saunders | Paul Saunders | Caitlin Savin | Caitlin Hamerjack Saxby | Des Scales | Marie Schallamach | Bert Sewell | In memory of Henry Rudkin Sewell | Victoria Shakespeare | Peter Sharp | Sharleen Shaw | Helen Sheldon | Helen Shelley | Peter Shepherd | Philippa Shepley | Ken Silver | Emma Sinha | Sister Gillian OHP | Igor Sivolob | John Shepherd & Joanna Sulek | Nikol Shestani | Helen Shippin | C A Sidwell | John Silcock | Natalie Silverman | Martha Sinclair | Chris Skidmore | Phil Slavin | Moire Sloan | Helen Sloss | Lada Smirnova | Amanda Smith | Andrew Smith | Brian Douglas (Matua) Smith | David Smith | Douglas Arthur Smith | John Smith | Mark Smith | Michelle Smith | In memory of Raymond & Mary Smith | Stanley Smith-Stonehouse | Bernie Smithson | Guy Smithson | Christopher Spanton | Mark Speight | Denise Spencer | Ian Spencer | Kenneth Spencer | Lola Spencer | Wilf Spencer | Richard Spurdens | St. Austin’s Choir Wakefield | Gillian Squires | Johnathan Stanbridge | Martin Staniforth | Brian Stanley | Theo Mathew Stanley | Caroline & Miles Stanyard | James Stark  | Julie Stead | Avril Stephenson | Clare Stevens | Jeremy Stonehouse | Mark Storey | Dawn & Nathan Cobe Strachan | Kenny Sturgeon | James Strike | Rachel Stroud | Eden Sullivan | Lucas Sullivan | Andrew Suthers | Lena Sweeney

John Taplin | Dylan Tapril | James Tate-Smith | David Taylor | Jane Taylor | David Tee | Cian Tempest | John Thackray | The Cud Band | Anna Thomas | Mel Thomas | William Thomas | Margaret Thompson | Russell Wayne Thompson | Roy Thornton | Samuel ‘King Zepha’ Thornton | Robin Timmis | Ivor Timmis | Harriet Timmis | Howard Clive Triffitt | Daniele Trinca | Catherine Tucker | Nicola Turner | Mr John Townend | Christine Townsend | Ilias Trispiotis | Margaret Tulloch

Margaret Underhill | Harry Underhill | Rachael Unsworth | Karen Usher

Charis Varnavides | James Vine

Leeds Waits | Trevor Waller | Bernard Walker | Matthew Walker | Steve Walsh | Ruth Walton | Robert Ward | Anthony Ware | Julia Ward | Josh Warren | Gillian Wastling | John Robert Watmough | Ian Watt | T Waud | Vanessa Wears | Nicola Wears | Jago Webb | Les & Kathleen Webb | Peter Webb | A Weber | Henry Websdale | Chris & Colin Weeks | David T Wells | Dale Welsh | Joe Welsh | Josephine Wesley | In memory of Ann Weston | Cecilia Weston | Cristopher Weston | Margaret M Weston | Gordon and Yvonne Whalley | Martin Wheatley | Richard Whewell | Shanon Whitelock | Peter Whitfield | Peter & Ann Whitfield | Timothy Whitley | Tony Wild | Susan Wilkinson | Brian Wilkinson | Margaret Wilks | David Wilks | Dr Nigel James Williams | Sarah Williams | Lynne Willimott | Tony & Jean Willshaw | Andrew Phillip Wilson | Chris Wilson | Linda Wilson | Penny Wilson | Sue Wilson | Sue Wilson | Kate Winn | Mike Withers | Derek Wood | Helen Wood | John Wood | Molly Wood | David Woodcock | Gary Woods | Matthew Woodward | Angela Wright | Pempi & David Wycherley

Jim Yeates | Carmen Yee | Stella Yeung | Charles Allan Yewdall | Tom and Joy Young

Pete Zanzottera


Peter Adams | Tony Addison | William Airey | Phil Allen | Jacob Allinson (Middle C of the Great 4′ Octave) | John Allison | Kate Ally | Andrew & Vicky | Angela & Alan | Geoffrey Ansell | John Apps | Anthony Armitage | Kingsley Ash | Mike Ashworth | Bradley Askew | Amelia Askham | Helen Askham | Ossian Auckland-Child | Tracey Austin | Ben Aves | Gerard Aylward

Bob Baker LGSM | Robert Baker | Jen Baker | Rev Geoff Bamford | Samuel Banks | Thomas Banister | Simon Barnes | David Barraclough | Sarah Bartlett | Andrew Bateman | Emma Bates | Sara Battye | Jane Beaumont | Ian Bedford | Christine Beels | Malcolm Beer | A Bell | Stephen Bell | Alan Bellhouse | Sally Bendall | Peter J Bennett | Sir Samuel Jacob Bennett | Frances Beresford | Lewis Beresford | Daniel Bergmann | Michael Billingham | Betty Birch | Ava Bishop | Max Bishop | Matt Blount | David Boadle | Paul Bombardier | Ian Bond | Willem Boning | Lynne Booth & John McBride | Samuel Booth | Peter Box | Margaret Bradbury | David H Bradbury | Paul Bradbury | Chris Bragg | Melanie Bratton | James Henry Roberts Bray | Amanda Bretman | Jackie Brewer | Val Brier | Briggs | Elaine Brock | Jo Brook | Tom Brook | Martin Brooks | Arthur Brown (1932-2018) | Christine Brown | David Brown | Dorothy Jean Brown | Gina Brown | Rev. Sharon Brown | Stephen Brown | Angela Brtton | Theresa Brunner | Paul Bryan Robert Easton Brydon | Tim Bullamore & Lisa McCormick | Harry Burton | Natalie Bush | Jean Butters | Dominic Buxton

Molly Cairns | Magnus A Cameron | James & Cheb Campbell | Laura Canning | Diane Carlisle | James Carolan | In memory of Fred Cartlidge | John Catton | Cave | Robyn & Alexander Chadha | Heinri Chapman-Schnetler | Fiona Chen | Sophia Childs | Rev Choi Si-Ah Peter, HK | Chris & Maire | Leon Cieslik | Natalie Cieslik | Claire, Richard & family | Michael Clark | In memory of Dr Adrian Clarkson | Adrian Clarkson | Chris Clarkson | John Clay | Dean Clayton | Christopher Clift | Brenda Clifton | Alderney’s Club | Jumper Club | Robert Cockroft | Janet Cole | Pete Coleman (1946-2022) | Andrew Coley | In memory of Geoff Collins | Peter Thomas Collins | W H (Harry Collins | Peter Condry | Cookson Conrad | Max Conway | M Cook | D J Forster-Cooper | Elspeth Cooper | Emma Cordell | Jacob Cordran | David Corlett | Alvo von Cossel | Heather Costello | Catherine Cotter | Jim Cowell & David Burgess | Alison Cox | Michael Cox | Harry Crompton | Charlotte Cropper | Anthony Crossland | Mary Crothers | David Crothers | Emma Crothers | The late Jim Crothers | Jeff Cummings | Martin Henry Curson

Miss M H Dale | Pauline Daley | Jim Dalton | Fabiano D’Amato | Colin Darwin | Margaret Darwin | Barrie John Davenport | David Davies | Rhys Davies | Stephen Davis | Beryl Dawe | Robert Demaine | Rosalind & Graham Denman | Simon Denson | Robert Harvey Denton | John Dereix | Chris Derry | D. Colin Dews | Catherine J Dickinson | Sarah E Dickinson | Pauline A Dickinson | In memory of Geoffrey Dickinson | Harry John Dike | Geoffrey David Dixon | Julia Dixon | Kathleen Dixon | Matthew Dixon | Noah & Joshua Dixon | Ashley Dodd | Patricia Dodd | Rowena Dobson | Charles Dodd | Christian Dodgson | Lynn Dodgson | Lisa Doherty | Rhona May Donoghue | Stuart Dornford-May | Heather Dowling | Jane Dowson | Lorraine Dowson | Sarah Drewell | Margaret Eileen Drummond | Deborah Dyer | Megan Dyson

Chris Edmondson | Jennifer Edwards | Betty Ellener | Frank Ellis | Beatrice Amanda Ellis | Henry Etherington | John Evans

Jane Fairbank | Gillian M Falkingham | Tom Faller | Malcolm Farmery | Lindsey Farrow | Margaret Faulkner | Michael Fay | Simon Fearn | Marian Felix | Lewis Welsh & Dulcie Fieldhouse | Finn & Lexa | Clifford Firth | Marie Firth & Pete Stringer | Colin William Gordon Fishwick | Michael Fitton | Norman Fitton | Norman Fitton of JJ Binns Fitton & Haley Ltd Bramley, Leeds | Emmie, Margaret, Pat & Michael, family of Norman Fitton the organ pipe voicer, Bramley, Leeds | Aaran Fleet | P J Fletcher | Iain Flockton | Lynn Margaret Foley (née Allerton) | Mike Piet & Jane Fontana | Dorothy Ford | Ruben Forest | Ann Forsaith | Julia Forsaith | Margaret Forshaw | Elizabeth Foster | Ernest Foster | Kate Foster | Thomas Clarence Fox | Terry Frain | Sylvia Francis | Rhiannon Lawrence-Francis | Wendy Frankland | Lindsey Fraser | Alastair Fraser-Urquhart

Jennifer Gallagher | Malcolm Galloway | Peter Galloway | Tom Gammage | Hilary Gardner | Barney Garluca | Kathryn Gasic | Richard Geldard | Derek Geldard | Paul Gelder | Gemma, Edd, Reuben & Amelie | Katie Jane Gibb Hill & Stuart Hill Gibb | Kylie Gibbard | In memory of the Honourable Alderman Sheila Gill | John Gilleghan M.B.E. | Ann Gilliam in memorium | Gilly & Andy | The Gilbank family | Christopher John Gladish | Alexander Glover | Andy Godber | Michael Gomersall | Geoffrey Goss | Ian Gott | Daniel Gotts | Abbie Gowen | The Grammar School at Leeds | Thomas Adam Greig | Christine Grimbley | Alex Groom | Katie Groves | Audrey Elizabeth Gunn | Jo Alderson-Gunn


Jeremy Hadden | Francis Hale | Lesley Hales | Rhiannon Hales-Pybis |  Andrew Hall | David & Sue Hall | John Hall | Kathleen Hall | Rosie Hall | Tom & Heather Hall | Maureen Hallatt | Paul Kenneth Hambley | Noam Hameiri | Hannah, David, Judith & Bibi | Michael John Hanson | Valerie & Michael Hanson | Teresa Hardy-Hairsine | David Hargreaves | Brian Hargreaves | Tom and Annabelle Harper | Vicky Harper | Ry Harris | Xander Harrison | Kate Harrold | John Hart | Ann-Marie Hartland | Robert Harwood | Tracy-Lee Hauber | Carol Haughton | Lynton Haynes | Keith Hearnshaw | Joyce Hemingway | Ian Henderson | Michael and Maddie Hewitson | Jan Hicks | Charlotte Hill | Ann Hill | Daniel Hill | Derek Hill | Jennifer Hill | Thomas Hill | Leonie Hilliard | Stuart Marcel Hinde | Daniel Hinchliffe | Anthony Hirst | John Michael Hirst | Betty Hodkinson | Lucy Hodrien | John Hogg | Harold Holmes (1925-2017) | Angela Holt | Rachel Holt | Benjamin Hood | Christopher Hooley & Stephanie Jones | John Horsfield | Elspeth Horsfield | David Ian Horsman | Stephanie Houlden | Alison House | Deb Howard | Lisa Joanne Hudson | Lisa Hudson | Pauline Hughes & Ricky Todd | Georgina Hulse | Sarah Humphreys | Grandads & Grandmas Johnson & Humphries | Terence Michael Hunt | Denis & Ros Huntley | P J Hurst

Claire Ingram | Harry Ingram | Joshua Ingram | Matthew Ingram | Kathryn Ingold | John Insole | Stephen Irvine

Gordon & Anne Jackson | Michele Jackson | Rachel Jackson | Carolyn James | Jo-Anne & Paul | Pamela Mavis Jeffery | Peter Jeffrey | Paul Jobson | Andrew & Jenny Johnson | Ben Johnson | C R Johnson | Daniel Johnson | Donald & Sylvia Johnson | Holly & Cade Johnson | Julie Johnson |  Pam Johnson | Roy Johnson | Niall Johnston | Scott Johnston | S G Johnson | Mary Johnston | Ceri Jones | Colin Jones | Jessie Jones | Mandy Jones | Rebecca Jones

Ben Kamara | Patricia Kearney | Chris & Sue Kelk | Donald T Kemp | Nathan Kendall | George Kennaway | Jack Kent | Joe Kerrigan | Frederik Keygnaert | Diana Kibble | Susan King | Alan & Jose King | Marianne King | Amy Kitchin | Lynda Kitching | Casper Kirk | Gary Kneeshaw | Jack Scargill-Knight | Mr & Mrs J Knowles | Cin Mond Kong | Wai-Mond Kong

Jack Lamb | Stephanie Lamb | Elaine Lane | Sarah Langford | Christopher John Laslett | Fred Laverack | Mark Lawrence | Matthew Lazenby | Lazenbys of Pool | Stephen P Leathley | Lee & Jill | Esme Lees | Kieron Leithead | J Lenz | John E Lenz | Sarah Liddell | Geoff Lidster | Stuart J. Lines | Jonathan Lilley | Lisa, Brendan & family | Adam Lister | Linda Little | Alan Littlewood | Kate Lloyd | Bridget & Geoffrey Lockyer | Anna Lomax | Mark Longley | Samuel Richard Love | Oreo Love | Betty Luty | Byron Luty | Allan Luxton | Janet Lymath

Anezka M-D | Hugh Vincent Macdermott | Alison Mackay | Steve Rufus Mackenzie | Heather Mackie | Cluny Macpherson | Chinedu Uchenna Madukwe | David Magallon | Coral Main | Marie | Alexandra Marshall | Bess Martin | Richard Martin | Richard Martini | Maisie, Chris and Harriet | Ian Maude | John Maw | Sarah Maybury | John McBride | Jonathan McCormack | Rose Mary McCroskey | Eamonn McGee | Ross McGibbon | Bairbre McKendrick | Andy McKenna | Graham McKenna | Jimmy McLoughin | Rosie McMahon | Roland McNeill Buckley-Johnstone | Rachel Meadley | Hannah Meir | Paul C de Mello | G Meredith | Chloe Elizabeth Merriott | Georg Meyer | Steven Michael | John & Patricia Midgley | Rachel Milestone | Hayley Miller | In loving memory of Patricia Milner | Stephen Mitchell | John Molloy | Carol Molloy | Chris Molloy | Stephen Molloy | Francis Ogilvie Montgomery | Peter Moon | Axton Moorhouse | Harley Moorhouse | Claire Moran | Ron Morley | Barbara Morris | Peter Morris | Leona Moss | Barbara & James Muhl | Tom Mulloy | Neil Musgrove | Catherine Musker | Calum Murdoch | Daniel Kyle William Murphy | Samantha Murray | Scott Murray

Pauline & Graham Needler | Ruth Nettleton | Patricia Neville | David Newell | Ryan Newell | Sarah Newman | Colin Nice | Timothy Nicholls | Beverley Nicholson | Francesca Nicholson | Roger & Kath Nicholson | Brian Nobbs

Richard O’Callaghan | S O’Connell | Rosemary O’Dea | Kevin O’Donnell | Martin O’Donnell | Mary O’Donnell | Peter O’Donnell | Richard O’Donnell | Emma & Shane Obrien | Oliver Obrien | Philip Oddy | Amanda Oswald | Gilbert Priestley-Oswald | Graham Owston


Rat Pakk | James Palmer | Resham Panesar | Margaret Parker | Philip Parker | Eric & Marian Parkes | Jack Parkes | Richard E Patrick | Barbara Paxton | Daniel Payne | Symon Payne | Richard Pearce | Gill Pearson | Simon Peatman | Ethnie Pellitt | Jim Pellitt | Martin Pellitt | Phil Pemberton | John Pegg | Pepperday-Kliffen family | Alan Perkins | Pete the dog | Eric & Joan Pettinger | Lindsey Peyton | Gavin Phelps | Emma & Phoenix | Vishakha Phatak | Peter William Pidgeon | Sarah Pilling | Hannah Pinkham | Peter Pipefellow | Dick Pledge | Andrzej Pleszkun | Marta Pleszkun | E Plewes | Geoffrey Plumstead | Ava Podgorski | Heather Pollock | Steve Poole | Ken Potter | Gerard Power | Benita Powrie | Michael Pratt | Emily Preston | Robert Preston | Margaret Rose Pretty | In memory of Jo Price | Jane Elizabeth Price | Anne Prinn | Margaret Anne Prinn | Kahn Priestley

Amici Wind Quartet | Charles Ernest Queen

Alan Radford | Pam Radford | Blaxon Raj | Finnlay Charley Ralph | Kevin Randle | Joseph Ratcliffe | Paul Ratcliffe | Timothy Ratcliffe | Brian Ratner | David Raywood | Eleanor Elizabeth Read | Ben Reavell | Anna, Simon, Holly and Katy Reeve | Kevin Reid, Susan Reid, Bruce Reid, Rhiannon Reid | Heather Anne Relf | Bridget Relton | Giannis Retsas | J B L Rhodes | Joseph Riach | Sarah Ridgeon | Brian Ridsdale | Sarah Riley | Marina Riley | Granny Riss | Federica Rizzato | Mark & Mikaela Roberts | Sheena Roberts | Professor A J B Robertson | Thomas Robins | John Bentley Robinson | Bryan Robson | Terry Robson | Michael Roddy | Fran Rodgers | Susan Rollinson | Daru Rooke and Stu Falkener | Patricia Rose | Shaun Rosindale | Craig Roth | Christine Rowlands | Peter Rushton | Richard Rutter

Oliver Sacker | Tim Sanders | Becca Sapiro | Jennie Sapiro | James Saunders | Pat Saunders | Helen Saunders | Paul Saunders | Caitlin Savin | Caitlin Hamerjack Saxby | Des Scales | Marie Schallamach | Bert Sewell | In memory of Henry Rudkin Sewell | Victoria Shakespeare | Peter Sharp | Sharleen Shaw | Helen Sheldon | Helen Shelley | Peter Shepherd | Philippa Shepley | Ken Silver | Emma Sinha | Sister Gillian OHP | Igor Sivolob | John Shepherd & Joanna Sulek | Nikol Shestani | Helen Shippin | C A Sidwell | John Silcock | Natalie Silverman | Martha Sinclair | Chris Skidmore | Phil Slavin | Moire Sloan | Helen Sloss | Lada Smirnova | Amanda Smith | Andrew Smith | Brian Douglas (Matua) Smith | David Smith | Douglas Arthur Smith | John Smith | Mark Smith | Michelle Smith | In memory of Raymond & Mary Smith | Stanley Smith-Stonehouse | Bernie Smithson | Guy Smithson | Christopher Spanton | Mark Speight | Denise Spencer | Ian Spencer | Kenneth Spencer | Lola Spencer | Wilf Spencer | Richard Spurdens | St. Austin’s Choir Wakefield | Gillian Squires | Johnathan Stanbridge | Martin Staniforth | Brian Stanley | Theo Mathew Stanley | Caroline & Miles Stanyard | James Stark  | Julie Stead | Avril Stephenson | Clare Stevens | Jeremy Stonehouse | Mark Storey | Dawn & Nathan Cobe Strachan | Kenny Sturgeon | James Strike | Rachel Stroud | Eden Sullivan | Lucas Sullivan | Andrew Suthers | Lena Sweeney

John Taplin | Dylan Tapril | James Tate-Smith | David Taylor | Jane Taylor | David Tee | Cian Tempest | John Thackray | The Cud Band | Anna Thomas | Mel Thomas | William Thomas | Margaret Thompson | Russell Wayne Thompson | Roy Thornton | Samuel ‘King Zepha’ Thornton | Robin Timmis | Ivor Timmis | Harriet Timmis | Howard Clive Triffitt | Daniele Trinca | Catherine Tucker | Nicola Turner | Mr John Townend | Christine Townsend | Ilias Trispiotis | Margaret Tulloch

Margaret Underhill | Harry Underhill | Rachael Unsworth | Karen Usher

Charis Varnavides | James Vine

Leeds Waits | Trevor Waller | Bernard Walker | Matthew Walker | Steve Walsh | Ruth Walton | Robert Ward | Anthony Ware | Julia Ward | Josh Warren | Gillian Wastling | John Robert Watmough | Ian Watt | T Waud | Vanessa Wears | Nicola Wears | Jago Webb | Les & Kathleen Webb | Peter Webb | A Weber | Henry Websdale | Chris & Colin Weeks | David T Wells | Dale Welsh | Joe Welsh | Josephine Wesley | In memory of Ann Weston | Cecilia Weston | Cristopher Weston | Margaret M Weston | Gordon and Yvonne Whalley | Martin Wheatley | Richard Whewell | Shanon Whitelock | Peter Whitfield | Peter & Ann Whitfield | Timothy Whitley | Tony Wild | Susan Wilkinson | Brian Wilkinson | Margaret Wilks | David Wilks | Dr Nigel James Williams | Sarah Williams | Lynne Willimott | Tony & Jean Willshaw | Andrew Phillip Wilson | Chris Wilson | Linda Wilson | Penny Wilson | Sue Wilson | Sue Wilson | Kate Winn | Mike Withers | Derek Wood | Helen Wood | John Wood | Molly Wood | David Woodcock | Gary Woods | Matthew Woodward | Angela Wright | Pempi & David Wycherley

Jim Yeates | Carmen Yee | Stella Yeung | Charles Allan Yewdall | Tom and Joy Young

Pete Zanzottera