Organ Renewal Project

Organ Renewal Project


Find out more about our organ renewal project.

This £1.8 million project brings together leaders in the field of organ renovation to oversee this exciting and incredibly complex work – something which has never been attempted on this scale before.


Welcome to Leeds Town Hall

Leeds Town Hall is currently closed to the public for a major multi-million pound refurbishment. This long overdue project will have a truly transformative impact on the city’s most iconic and best-loved building and provide a first-class visitor experience when the venue re-opens in 2025. 

Works include the restoration of the decorative scheme in the Victoria Hall and vastly improved visitor facilities, including new bars and toilets, a café bar, reception and box office area on the ground floor level, all of which can be access by a new customer lift. The Leeds Town Hall organ will also be renewed in the same timeframe.

A fundraising scheme has been set up to help meet the costs of the works and there are several ways in which individuals and organisations can get involved. Find out how you can support us below.

Whilst Leeds Town Hall is closed, you can view what’s on around the city on Leeds Ticket Hub‘s website.

Leeds Ticket Hub phone lines (0113 376 0318) are open Monday to Saturday, 10am – 4pm. Tickets can be booked in person at the Carriageworks Theatre, The Electric Press, 3 Millennium Square, Leeds, LS2 3AD two hours before any performance at the Carriageworks Theatre. For email enquires please contact


View the latest updates

Scroll through the photos to see what’s been going on whilst Leeds Town Hall has been closed.


Current supporters

Find your name on the website if you’ve adopted an organ pipe and learn more about The Brodrick Trust.


Watch organ recitals online

Catch up on recent Leeds Lunchtime Organ Music concerts at Leeds Cathedral for free online.